Respirator Fit Test Administrator Training
eLearning Module (Capstone Project)

For my capstone project at Quinnipiac University, I chose to redesign and develop an eLearning module based on an older narrated video presentation that was currently used at my company. Since completion, this project has been deployed instead.

Choosing to do something this large for my capstone project was risky. I was given the content and the task of developing a new outline that made sense to someone who didn't know anything about administering a Respirator Fit Test. At this point, I can now administer a fit test on my own because of the study and work that went into this project.

Created in Articulate Rise, this project is much more interactive. I've included animated videos to explain specific topics throughout the module. There are also knowledge checks along the way and a final summative assessment that learners must pass to become a Fit Test Administrator at our company.

Click the image to see a "review" version of the final project.

Tools: Articulate Rise, Articulate Storyline (for the exam), Vyond, and Audacity

Completing this project took a great amount of planning and preparation. Attached are some of the planning documents I developed and used during this project.

Project Scope & Stakeholder Analysis

Work Breakdown Structure & Weekly Plan

1-Project Scope & Stakeholders MLevett.pdf
Work Breakdown Structure MLevett.pdf

Storyboard & Mockups

Learning Theories Presentation

4-Sections 4 and 5 Storyboard-Mockup MLevett.pdf
7-Learning Theories.pdf